Home Science & Technology Gorilla hand without pigmentation looks remarkably human

Gorilla hand without pigmentation looks remarkably human

Gorila Anaka Atlanta

The hand of a gorilla that has lost pigmentation closely resembles that of humans. It gives a lot to think about the theory of evolution.

Nature is omnipotent, diverse, dominant and complex. Therefore, it is absolutely normal to be constantly surprised.

A Zoo Atlanta posted photos of a gorilla named Anaka for which they celebrated his sixth birthday.

Fans shared their best wishes and loved the photos of the primate, but many were surprised to see a photo of the gorilla’s fingers. They noticed a pink patch on the skin and commented that their fingers are very human.

The photo of Anaka’s hand shows the folds in her fingers and her short nails.

Gorillas have opposable thumbs, and they also have individual fingerprints. Similarly, they also have nails, like us.

Anaka Gorilla in Atlanta
Anaka Gorilla Atlanta Hand
Hand of Gorilla Anaka in Atlanta
Gorilla Anaka Atlanta

According to the zoo, his skin is as unique as his personality:

“He is often barking at his mother and others to get a privileged place for food and juice.”

   “She is often seen riding a piggyback with her brothers and sisters.”

Some suspected that Anaka has vitiligo, which is manifested by spots on the skin that lose the pigment. However, the zoo did not confirm it, and its spokesman added:

“Well, your skin pigment has always been that way and it hasn’t changed over the years, so we think it’s just a great birthmark.”

Needless to say, without or with pigmentation it looks quite human. We have skins of all colors and if the animal has to be white to resemble a human, it says a lot about the indoctrination we have received. I am brown and the truth is that sometimes I have fingers like this gorilla haha but anyway, it is an amazing nature that surrounds us.



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