The Datas de Niña route and the return to Sándara is a basic circular trail located in the south-central part of the Island. Being in the south, it is a fairly dry and rocky route with a pronounced unevenness. It is not that it is a difficult route, but rather it is about having your knees in good condition and wanting to walk in the sun, having said that, with some shade from time to time and incredible views, makes it a trail worth hiking.
The route begins in La data from where we go towards the Soria ravine wich would be on our left, it goes down until we reach views of the Soria reservoir, from there we turn to the right and goe up through to the Las Niña Dam where we end up back in La Data where we started.
Soria reservoir
Las Niñas Dam
The images above, when you pass by, they are spectacular. However, generaly speaking the entire trail is very beautiful, especially if you are in good company.