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Tag: trimurti

Vishnu Visnu Mahavishnu Dios

Vishnu, the preserver and protector of creation

Vishnu, the second god of the Hinduism trimurti. He represents the energy that maintains the universe and protects it.
Shiva Dios India Serpiente

Shiva, The Creator and the Destroyer

Slowly & steadily entering the world of spirituality, but always amazed with Hinduism, from a very young age, I am attracted to Shiva, perhaps...
Kunal Sajnani
Hi! I am Kunal, the author of this blog. I am a computer nerd by training, and a self-taught photographer, web designer, and cook. Don't let the day come when you regret not having explored or tried new things. With that motto, I blog as I discover. Follow me on the adventure!