Properties and Benefits of Chirimoya : Annona Cherimola

Explore the properties and benefits of Chirimoya, a nutritious and delicious tropical fruit.

Top Places Where to Eat in Tenerife

Deciding where to eat in Tenerife can make or break your trip. From Michelin-starred gems to vibrant beachside bars, this island has it all.

The art of breathing correctly and its miracles

Breathing correctly during weight training enhances performance and reduces injury risks. Learn the proper techniques for optimal results!

When did humans start to accumulate social knowledge?

In a recent archaeological study, it was discovered that humans were accumulating social knowledge thousands of years ago, revealing an increase in the sophistication of stone tools.

Disqualified for using real image in AI photo contest.

Disqualified for using a real image in a contest for photos made with AI. The participant violated the rules and caused controversy in the competition.

Signal warns against EU’s plan to scan private messages

Signal Foundation warns against the EU's plan to scan private messages for child sexual abuse, arguing that it threatens users' privacy and security.
Kunal Sajnani
Hi! I am Kunal, the author of this blog. I am a computer nerd by training, and a self-taught photographer, web designer, and cook. Don't let the day come when you regret not having explored or tried new things. With that motto, I blog as I discover. Follow me on the adventure!

Tech Tutorials



When did humans start to accumulate social knowledge?

In a recent archaeological study, it was discovered that humans were accumulating social knowledge thousands of years ago, revealing an increase in the sophistication of stone tools.

The calima in the Canary Islands: fewer episodes, but more intense.

The "calima" is a meteorological phenomenon in the Canary Islands that has decreased in frequency but increased in intensity in the last 40 years.

Wazwan: The Culinary Feast of Kashmir

Discover the richness of Kashmiri cuisine with Wazwan, a 36-course culinary feast that blends exquisite influences and aromatic spices into a unique gastronomic experience.Wazwan...

Unveiling the Quirks of American Drive-Thrus: Lost in Translation

Drive-thrus—a pinnacle of laziness or convenience? As a European navigating the roads of North Carolina, I found myself face-to-face with my first drive-thru experience....

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New warp engine concept twists space, doesn’t move us very fast.

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